Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An Evaluation of Myself....

I have come to the conclusion that I am by far, the worst story teller ever. In my mind, I always seem to have something to share that's humorous and witty, or interesting and entertaining, and maybe what I have to say is, but my delivery is never so, and I think I've come to a number of reasons as to why I simply cannot share an interesting story, or make my presentation of it worth my audience's time. Here's the thing, for whatever reason, I always feel obligated to go into intricate detail when sharing something. I have to establish the setting, introduce the characters and explain why or what made me bring the story up, like what triggered me to think of that little excerpt in my life. By that time I recognize the fact that my story is completely pointless, and then I instantly want the attention off of me, so I quickly try to finish up the story and attempt to get to the point, or how it even relates to the previously discussed topic, and I end up stumbling over my words and leaving parts out resulting in further explanation and just more attention drawn to me and my foolish terrible story telling self.

This is why I have responsibly made the decision to be a listener rather than a talker. There is a quote stating something along the lines of the reason we have two ears and one mouth is because we’re supposed to listen twice as much as we speak. There you have it, I’ll just be listening enough for the rest of us.

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