Sunday, March 15, 2009

“If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.”

That's a quote I found. However I don't think they're sad words, I think they're words that prevent growth. They're words that makes one continuously dwell on the past and disrupt one from moving on. It is very nearly a pathetic excuse.
It's like one cannot come up with a better reason for why something is as it is, so they mope around all day, feeling sorry for them self and murmuring "if only" over and over again. It is just that which is preventing them from moving on, from bettering the situation, they just think how things could be rather than how they are. They come up with some notion that wishing and hoping that things are different will change their situation but indeed is does not. There is only one statement I have to make about these people. GET OVER IT. Quite frankly I think everyone is capable of moving on. There is no reason for them to sit around, feeling sorry for them self and thinking poor me, if only....
I am so irritated with whoever came up with this quote. They think they're being deep, and portraying some sort of enlightening meaning, but they are doing just the opposite. They aren't helping anyone, they're just giving another excuse for someone not to try harder, or give them a reason as to why they aren't doing anything with their life. If we all sat around thinking if only, nothing productive would ever become of us and society would slow down from the energetic, successful and well oiled machine it is today and become nothing more than the sludge that builds up in the engine of a car. And what for? Because simply everyone has made the decision to not move forward and to merely believe they are incapable of doing anything.
I think a much better saying to go by would be MOVE ON. Seriously, stuff happens in every one's life everyday, and singling yourself out, thinking that for whatever reason you have it the worst is pathetic. NO ONE has the excuse to use the phrase if only. Those two words are worthless when put together, and no one should abide by them. I do not feel sorry for anyone who feels sorry for them self; no one should.
So, if you are one who finds yourself guilty of such an act, I suggest you fix it. Living life will be a lot more stimulating and worth your while if you make better of the situation.
"When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade."

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