Tuesday, March 24, 2009

randomly being unproductive

So I randomly found this on a random person's blog so I decided to randomly do it my self.
It makes me think of middle school chain letters from myspace.

The rules are:
1. Fill it out
2. Change one question with one of your own
3. Add an additional question
4. Tag 3 other people to do the same

1. What are your current obsessions?Prep for senior year, thinking about college, wanting it to be summer.

2. Which item from your closet are you wearing most often? My favorite blue denim jeans from express

3. Last thing you bought for yourself? Makeup

4. What's your favorite thing about the holidays? family, no school

5. Favorite thing to do on the weekend? relax

6. What is one item you could not live without? my phone and car (I need both)

7. Vacation spots you must visit before you die? all the major European countries, and Australia

8. Three things to do before you die: go sky diving, meet someone famous, grow a garden

9. What are you reading right now? I'm about to start Breaking Dawn....

10. What is the last movie you saw and enjoyed? How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

11. What’s your guilty pleasure? dark chocolate

12. What’s your favorite smell? rain, fresh air

13. Best thing you ate or drank lately? my mom made me an amazing omelet this morning :)

14. Favorite Quote? "To get what you have never had, you must do what you've never done."

15. Describe one of your happiest moments. anytime that involved laughter

16. Whats one thing you can't go a day with out doing? talking

17. What do you have an addiction to? fashion magazines and underground music

18. Whats your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving -my grandma makes a pumpkin pie, just for me :)
19. How many pairs of shoes (not just running) do you have?? I'm not about to go count, a lot.

20. What can almost always make your day? Laughing.

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