Tuesday, March 10, 2009


"Coincidences, in general, are great stumbling blocks in the way of that class of thinkers who have been educated to know nothing of the theory of probabilities- that theory to which the most glorious objects of human research are indebted for the most glorious of illustration." -Edgar Allan Poe

I had to read this quote a few times, it didn't exactly click right away. But once I did make an understanding of it, I realized that I love Poe's perspective and ways of thinking even more. Poe seems to question everything, and finds a way to make the surest thing we know, questionable. He takes the example of coincidences to prove a way of how what we thought we know, can be wrong. It then leads one to think, what are coincidences exactly? How does one define a coincidence?


1.a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance
2. the condition or fact of coinciding.
3. an instance of this.

But it's a subject to ponder I think. What is a coincidence? Where does one draw the line between coincidence and fate? Does either even exist? What Poe thinks is that "smart people" just use it as an excuse because they have no better reason to explain the outcome of something.

I don't think there is such a thing as a "coincidence". I think everything happens for a reason and each event that occurs has it's own sole purpose. Mere chance was mentioned in one of the dictionary definitions, but how can something happen simply by mere chance? Strangely enough, I can't fathom mere chance, but for a purpose makes sense to me, even if the purpose isn't clear at the time, it always reveals its self eventually, doesn't it?

I remember watching a movie that was almost all about fate and whether or not it exists, and a quote one of the characters said "if a guy gets hit by a bus I think it was because he wasn't looking, not because of some master plan" and of course, by the end of the movie, this character does believe in fate after all, but that's just Hollywood. The movie is Fools Rush In, just in case you were curious.

Religious views would interact with this subject too. Some would argue that there is a higher power that is just in complete control of everything, and being a Christian, I agree with that. But even if someone didn't believe in a higher power, how do they define a coincidence? Do they really believe that some things just happen for reason? Why would they even happen then?

Maybe the purpose is to learn with mostly all occurrences, the best way to learn is by experience.

Oh coincidences, they leave me with yet another blog that has no conclusion.

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