Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Makes People Comfortable and Uncomfortable

Different things affect different people's comfort levels. That is a given. But what is it about certain things that just makes things feel awkward, and makes them feel right? I don't know, that is what I am trying to figure out.
What makes you uncomfortable?

7. a cause or matter of relief or satisfaction
7.embarrassing or inconvenient; caused by lack of social grace

Funny how both of the definitions I am referring to are number 7 on each list...

However I still cannot come to some sort of root cause that brings awkwardness. Discomfort I would say intertwines with different. When you're doing something or in a situation you're unfamiliar with, things aren't the most relaxing. Yet, is it possible to have things be familiar and part of routine be uncomfortable? Like same 'ole same 'ole, is that ever thought to be awkward?
I can't fathom a situation or thing when it would be. If it is something you know, and is a part of you, it should go by with ease, because you are already aware of what is required and expected of it.

Does comfort affect stress or does stress affect comfort? Which comes first? If things are uncomfortable, that would raise a deal of stress, and if things are stressful, that would make things lack in comfort. But what about anxiety? Is that a part of the mixture?

Interesting on how one little thing can stir up so many emotions.

Personally, I am most comfortable and relaxed when I know what I am doing. But then again, who isn't? That is what I am trying to figure out.

Things being out of the norm, that is what causes discomfort. For example, one growing up in the safe and serene environment of the suburbs would feel positively oafish being thrown into a down town Chicago scene. And vice versa? Yet, maybe if you've had to adjust multiple times in various surroundings, new things don't make you feel as uncomfortable. So then what would?

Ah I have just thought of a familiar situation that would lead to discomfort, and that would be an unpleasant memory triggered from such. This is a rather extreme example, but say if you grew up in a household that abused alcohol, chances are it is possible you feel very uncomfortable about being around the substance, knowing of the side you saw of it as a child. If the initial situations its self was uncomfortable, then encountering it later will almost always be so. That is what I would think.

However, there is always exceptions to everything, and I would say if an initially awkward occasions continued to reoccur, it would eventually become less awkward and before you know it, rather comfortable. Like going out on your own, you would get the hang of it, and find that you're rather enjoying yourself.

I think you could say that I have come to somewhat of brief idea of which makes people comfortable or uncomfortable, but I don't think there is much depth, its just some ideas I have accumulated I suppose you could say.....

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