Thursday, April 9, 2009

Segregation in School

In U.S. history we are currently discussing the civil rights movement, and how so many people fought so long and so hard to all be considered equal and be able to intermix with each other in peace. However, many years later, civil rights passed and all, nothing seems to have really changed. Naturally, everyone segregates themselves, and I find it is especially noticeable in school.

Why do we do it? Why do we continue to just stay separated from each other after so many people suffered trying to make us blend. Is it just the fact that we feel comfortable around people we have things in common with? That naturally, people don't like different? Well if that's the case, how can you blame the white people for not wanting to be with black. I'm not saying the acts that were displayed and the intensity of the whole situation was acceptable, nor the fact that white people even took blacks away from their home, but once we let them know they're accepted, they still go their own way. Everyone does it. For example, if someone who is tall and athletic comes across someone who is petite and doesn't like sports, they instantly repel. Is it just what people have in common that brings them together? Yet, there is students who are part of the same sports team or club or even class that never talk to each other. I'm not saying that I am one who isn't guilty of this, but it is because of that reason that made me stop and wonder, why does our society do this?

Lunch is a prime example of segregation. Nearly instantly after the bell rings to signal people to lunch, everyone breaks up. They go to their little clique, or their boy/girl friend or whoever they feel they're comfortable around. Is it plainly just the fact of being with a group you feel fits comfortably?

I get so frustrated with people who would rather go off in their own little corner and be by them self rather than branch out, meet new people, and try new things. What are they going to do when they go off to college? Or move positions in a job? Forever be lonely? Personally, I wouldn't think that would be worth it. True, I am one who loves trying new things and isn't afraid of different, so my perception may be askew to those who aren't. I understand being shy, and lacking confidence, but how is one going to over come those things when they let the fear of new consume them? Of course, I cannot judge, that isn't fair. But I do wish people would branch out more and be accepting of different things.

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