Sunday, February 8, 2009


1.easy to understand, deal with, use, etc.
2.not elaborate or artificial; plain

3.not ornate or luxurious; unadorned
4.unaffected; unassuming; modest
5.not complicated
6.occurring or considered alone; mere; bare: the simple truth; a simple fact. of deceit or guile; sincere; unconditional: a frank, simple answer.
8.common or ordinary

What is it about Americans and things being simple? It seems every new thing must consist of the word easy in the description otherwise it is not worth attempting. One thing I can't decipher, is when does easy translate in to lazy? That is where I would have to say America has gone wrong. We, as beings, no longer can define the difference between something being simple or just plain lazy. I know the stereotype for Americans is fat and lazy, and quite frankly, I am not proud of it. Now there are many Americans out there who are just the opposite of the stereotype, but unfortunately, do not stand out enough to change the charming image the world has of Americans.

Yet, simple can also contemplate helpful, or useful. That was the initial goal of simplicity wasn't it? To benefit, to be more time efficient, or less straining? It just seems to play out that we have taken the whole simple idea a couple steps too far, leading to what we are currently witnessing in society. So is it possible to go back a step or two? To just make things easier for us, but in doing so, not make us lazy? I don't think it is, once something, like today's technology, starts moving forward as rapidly as it has, there is little to slow its path down. I would like to think it is a nice thought though. Or is it possible that simplicity will turn on us? And before we know things become so simple that it suddenly becomes complicated? It would be ironic, though I can't say as to how that would work out exactly. Compelling to ponder though.

How is it that things today could get any more simple? Transportation wise we have cars and planes, how does that become any more convenient? The ability to teleport? Highly doubt that is obtainable. It seems just about everything is automatic, garage doors, remotes, pretty soon we'll have beds that will make themselves at the push of a button. So what sort of sense of doing things by hand of for ourselves will there be? Of course, there will always be responsibilities, and things that make people stress and worry, no matter how far technology gets us, we cannot avoid things like that.

I don't mind things being simple, I never said I didn't, because I for one sure do not like to deal with the hassle of complicated things. However, I do think there will be a point in time that nothing will be able to become any easier, and that there won't be anything for us to label as complicated, or difficult. Those words will become extinct, or the meaning will certainly alter according to the times, because they definitely won't mean the same as they used to.

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