Friday, January 9, 2009

I can't believe that you actually died

Death is something that we all have experience dealing with. Perhaps dealing isn't the proper word, more so to handle I think. Nevertheless, we've all come across it, and there are numerous songs out there that reflect the feelings one has towards death; of how it's altered their life style or changed their perspective or whatever they wish to express. Most songs I've heard describe the bitter mourning one has to a lost loved one, and the ambiance given off is the same. It puts the listener into a depressed mood, they suddenly feel for the musician, they depict them. Just as if the loss was one of their very own.

I imagine that is just what the musician is trying to do. To have their audience better understand whats hurting them, and to make their audience feel them same hurt, because those who do hurt want others to hurt as well. Like its not fair if only they are having a miserable time. For some reason it is alleviating to them. Which is a bit of ironic; to make someone else upset to make yourself feel better.

However I do know that not all feel in such a way. I do know that yes, some can grieve and feel the suffering just as the others, but also enjoy life its self. Some can have an amiable view on death. Like it's a peaceful thing and they accept the fact that it does happen. That everyone does have to feel the hurt of it, but they can still get through it. Like being optimistic is the appropriate action to take during the time of loss. Which can be a hard thing to do, but undoubtedly possible.

I found a band who do take a bit of a positive view on death, (also introduced to me by my cousin) The Microphones sing a song "I can't believe you actually died". Their song reflects the sort of shock they feel because of death, but they still take it as a consolatory thing and I find what they have to say overwhelmingly true. Have a listen.

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