Thursday, October 23, 2008


A topic that just about everyone has heard something about. Obesity is probably one of the reasons that the food pyramid has been altered. Grains tend to have more calories then the other food groups (besides fats,) and the increase of calorie in take is one thing that leads to the added weight. That is if you increase your calorie in take without changing something else in your life style, such as exercising more. The body needs balance in order to be healthy. You modify one thing and chances are you probably have to modify something else. That doesn’t occur with only weight though. Even if it’s something that seems as harmless as drinking more water, you need to balance the body out some by having a little more sodium or potassium in your diet. That’s what’s so great about the food pyramid, is that is helps individuals realize how to balance their diet.

Continuing to go off the food pyramid…

  • Today’s suggests dairy being the highest consumed. A higher intake of dairy products has also had led to studies of weight loss.
  • Smaller proportions are also included in following the current food pyramid.
  • Larger amounts of fruits and vegetables (low calorie foods) lead to people being full without the added calories. Lots of vitamins and minerals also help maintain the body’s natural balance.

    I think that if the food pyramid was better acknowledged in the population that maybe the figures of obesity would become smaller. The serving sizes are a little smaller too, which I think makes sense just because of how much daily lifestyles have altered. Fast food proportions go up as the amount we should consume go down. Ironic isn’t it? The new food pyramid encourages people to eat more of low calorie foods and less of high calorie. I personally think we just need to minimize the production of “bad foods.” If there isn’t that stuff to eat then I think the obesity rate would go down.

    I do like hearing about how school are replacing junk food with healthier choices though. I know that my generation isn't so happy about it, but seriously, do we want to be known as the obese country? I think not. I was talking with the German exchange student one time and one of the first things she mentioned was how over weight everyone was. I didn't even think about that until she said something. Now I'm not judging anyone by any means. I know things happen. Like hectic lifestyles leads to fast food being the only option and eating through one's emotions.

Maybe that's another factor into our obesity rate. It seems like no one is happy these days. Pretty sure if you were to talk to a doctor and ask how many cases of depression they're curing or how many "happy pills" they prescribe I guarantee the number is higher then it was 5 years ago. Granite doctors are coming up with new medications all the time, but people are just coming up with new reasons to be depressed. I have to be harsh, but I think it's pathetic. I appreciate the fact that things like abuse and rape are being taken more seriously. But the wives of billionaires don't need to be over dosing on happy pills if you ask me.

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