Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Diets. They're everywhere. Each one has their own philosophy on what works. So how does one decide what REALLY works? I don't know exactly. See I think each body is different. Like I don't think there is some miracle pill or diet that just makes everyone shed pounds. I think it depends on the life style of the person, their metabolism rate, body type. Those things. There's no way that some one who is naturally petite and someone who naturally muscular will get the same results with the same diet. It’s all about finding out what works for you I think. I know there's even diets that specify to one's blood type. That could be a little extreme. But what do I know. I'm no major in how well the body processes and breaks down different foods. It seems like scientists are always trying to discover what the next easy way to lose weight is. Because for some reason we some up with the conclusion that losing weight is supposed to be easy. Obviously it’s a challenge because it’s forcing you to do something we haven’t been doing. Especially for those who are planning to lose a couple hundred pounds. However, I do believe it factors to the thought that nothing easy is worth having. Which does make it feel like more of an accomplishment. That in it’s self should be a motivator, not the fact that it’s considered “easy.”

I do remember that my mom was on a super strict diet once. It was when she was doing acupuncture regularly though. Her acupuncturist called it the "Candida Cleanse." That diet was extreme to the point that most of the things that she could eat she couldn't buy at a local grocery store. She shopped at a grocery store called Whole Foods which was right next to the acupuncture’s office. Now, she did have fantastic results with it, however it wasn't exactly practical for a working mom with three kids. And I'm pretty sure the prices for the "better" food was higher.

Isn't that ironic? What's supposed to better for us costs more. Maybe if there were more organic farms and things like that to make higher supplies of the food, everyone would be thinner and not have such high prices to pay. Let's do it America. Let's all eat healthier so that gross food will go out of business and our bodies will be happier. What could possibly go wrong?

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