Thursday, May 14, 2009

putting age in perspective

Isn’t it kind of funny-interesting to picture our grandparents even our parents at our age? To imagine how different life was for them compared to how it is now. And then to even imagine what life is going to be like for our own kids and grandkids. I find it mind blowing on how much can change in a single year, and how fast time goes all together.

I personally have no idea what the youth is going to look like in 20 years. Some may think it’ll go all to hell and that they will have little to no morals or values, because we’re seeing that at an increasing rate today. But maybe the awareness of what is going on will spread and have the opposite effect, making everyone perfect and respecting little beings. I would personally prefer that, but I’m thinking the likeliness of that happening is pretty slim.

What is to become of future generations? I know there is the whole global warming theory and the hum of nuclear war (a very faint hum I might add.) But what will it look like? What kind of music will be coming out in 20 years? It is so weird to think that artists like Chris Brown and Rhianna are going to be considered oldies when my generation has children. What will they call what we consider as oldies now? Will the Temptations even be spoken of or in movies or commercials in 20 years? They will be considered practically ancient by then.

Then there’s fashion! What will be considered hip in 20 years? Right now it seems like nearly anything goes, it’s just how you wear it. Trends from all time eras are inspiring top designers’ newest fashion, will that just continue? Will there come a point in time when nothing is original? When it seems like just about every plausible idea has already been done and then there is no longer any creativity? And then musicians, will they really need any actual personal talent? Or just enough money to pay for all the electronics that generate their sound? Will raw talent even be admired after people see computers can do the same thing at the click of a button?

I know this is all relatively extreme, well, really extreme, but I can’t help but wonder about it. And I’m sure I am not the only to ponder such, which also happens to support the no longer any original ideas theory. But I do think that a vast amount of time will make such happen. Twenty, even fifty years sounds too short to me.

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