Thursday, May 7, 2009

The never ending evolution of technology


It seems like nearly every other week there’s some new gadget or ipod or phone or any sort of technology device. It’s impossible to keep up with it all and its impossible to always have the new thing, because the new thing most likely starts in some foreign country and by the time you pay the pricey shipping and have it delivered to your door, a week later there’s a new version of the device or something that is claimed to be better. (Like have more features, or is more durable, or whatever. )
The electronic industry is an extremely competitive field, and very fast paced. I don't think I could keep up with it. Even though, thanks to back to the future, we all thought we'd be in flying cars by now. Apparently, not the case, I'll give them another 10 years.

However what I really like about the industry today is how conservative they're trying to be. But it seems like every industry is "going green" in some way, so they would be frowned upon by everyone if they didn't.

Whats cool about technology now, is that nearly nothing is impossible, there is some scientific way to make just about anything happen. Some ideas would call for more attention then others, but still obtainable.

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