Sunday, December 7, 2008


–adjective, -er, -est.
1. not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.
2. not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward; impudent: He apologized for being so bold as to speak to the emperor.
3. necessitating courage and daring; challenging: a bold adventure.
4. beyond the usual limits of conventional thought or action; imaginative: Einstein was a bold mathematician. a difficult problem needing a bold answer.
5. striking or conspicuous to the eye; flashy; showy: a bold pattern.
6. steep; abrupt: a bold promontory.
7. Nautical. deep enough to be navigable close to the shore: bold waters.
8. Printing. typeset in boldface.
9. Obsolete. trusting; assured.—Idiom
10. make bold, to presume or venture; dare: I made bold to offer my suggestion.
I am bold. In a subtle way at least. I have my opinions. But I tend to go off the "choose your battles" rule. I think differently, but accept others opinions, at least if they aren't ignorant as to what they are saying. I believe if one has an opinion, they should have reasons as to why, otherwise their opinion isn't authentic, and authentic opinions are the only respectable ones.
However, I would not consider scientific "facts" a good way to back up ones point. Not with some topics at least. Homosexuality and global warming are two that come to mind. Now, I'm not here to personally offend people, or to get into any form of an argument. I am a peace maker, which is why I tend to keep my bold thoughts to myself, and ones I know that won't judge me. I don't know where I'm going with this. I tell you that I have bold opinions, but then don't express them. So I guess you don't really know how bold I am or can be. Maybe I'm not bold at all, I could be a poser, and not really acknowledge it because it isn't often I take my boldness for a test run.
One thing that does hold me back from my boldness is that sometimes it can be classified as being rude. I don't like rude people. There's a line between telling how it is, and just trying to be rude, or hurtful. Girls know all about using words to be hurtful, and just about all are victims of it. But I can go into that another time.
I guess what I am really trying to say is that I would like to share my bold opinions, but in fear of being judged they are restrained. On the other hand, most of those reading this don't know whose blog this is, so I don't have much to lose. But it is high school and things go around, so I'm going to play it safe as of right now. Maybe after I establish myself as likable my true thoughts will be revealed.
Now this makes me sound like I can be a back-stabber, or two faced, or that I talk about people behind their back. But those kind of people are the exact reason that I tend to keep things to myself. A comment I make may be translated differently and get to someone, starting a fit and throwing people in to drama. I am not a fan of drama, I try to avoid it. I don't watch any of the MTV "reality" shows, like most people do. I don't find it interesting to sit in front of the TV and hear two girls talk about the girl who just left the room. Or to see a girl hook up with her best friends sweet heart. I fail to see the entertainment in that. But most of my cherished friends get into those shows, and I don't judge them, or anyone for the matter. Personal likes are personal likes and if they don't conflict with one another then all is well.
Now I know people who have bold personalities, and they tend to conflict with most, or even be intimidating perhaps. I don't think I'm like that, I try to be sensitive, but I guess we can't be always nice all the time. I welcome that. We all have off days, and life isn't always kind, and I try to be aware of those factors when I do feel its necessary to share my opinion. There are different environments that bold personalities are appropriate, and some that aren't. And I believe most can distinguish which is which, and if not, that would be a helpful trait to obtain.

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