Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Annie Leibovitz.

I love photography. I can really appreciate it. There is one photographer that I would have to claim as a favorite, and her name is Annie Leibovitz. Many may of heard of her because of the drama with Miley Cirus last summer, claiming her photos were sleazy- but never the less I still admire Annie's work greatly. She photographs celebrities mostly. And with that she seems to posses an endless fountain of creative ways to shoot pictures of them. My favorites of hers though, are one's she does for VOGUE and other fashion clips.

Annie also did a photo shoot inspired by classic Disney stories, like Alice in Wonderland. I adored these photos and greatly admire Annie's creativity and talent. I'm sure her photos were just as much fun to take as they are to look at. But I wonder where she gets all of this talent and creativity from. I know that there are numerous artists out there that have bold and eye catching pieces, but there is something about Annie's vision I just find breath taking. However, on the flip side, there are some photos that I'm not exactly fond of. I personally have never been one to understand the art of the human naked body, or what kind of symbolism it is supposed to portray. Annie seems to have a taste for naked photos, though they aren't ones that expose completely. I suppose I just love clothes and I see the fashion pictures she takes that I just don't understand why she wouldn't want to do that all of the time. A bit of variety makes things interesting I guess. Taking pictures of similar things and styles become quite a bore I imagine.

This picture was the first one of the bunch that I found on google. I was initially intrigued of the fact that it was such an optical illusion, after doing some further research, I discovered it was part of the Alice in Wonderland Vogue photo shoot.

When I watched this part when I was little, I was always so afraid for poor Alice. The Queen of Hearts was absolutely dreadful and I hated the fact that she was a cheater in their game as well.

The Cheshire cat was one of my favorite characters when I was little. An image that I always seem to recall is when he's in the tree and he slowly starts to disappear, stripe by stripe.

This is a personal favorite. I absolutely adore the suits that Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb are wearing, I think they're hilarious.

This is another optical illusion photo which just further stretches my amazement with what all the photo industry can do. I love it. The opportunities are endless.

The tea party was another part I loved. The two of those characters were just so wacky and chaotic. Perfectly fun for a child my age at the time.

Recalling the memory of this scene certainly made me laugh out loud. I love finding the hidden inappropriate parts of children's stories.

Now I know these pictures don't occur in order of the story, nor are they they entire photo shoot, but they are ones that I sincerely enjoyed and found amusing. And this is just a small excerpt of Annie's work, I'm sure I'll find another photo shoot of hers that I will fall in love with and then feel obligated to blog about. Photography is just so much fun when you find artists who are willing to take risks and experiment with it!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


–adjective, -er, -est.
1. not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.
2. not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward; impudent: He apologized for being so bold as to speak to the emperor.
3. necessitating courage and daring; challenging: a bold adventure.
4. beyond the usual limits of conventional thought or action; imaginative: Einstein was a bold mathematician. a difficult problem needing a bold answer.
5. striking or conspicuous to the eye; flashy; showy: a bold pattern.
6. steep; abrupt: a bold promontory.
7. Nautical. deep enough to be navigable close to the shore: bold waters.
8. Printing. typeset in boldface.
9. Obsolete. trusting; assured.—Idiom
10. make bold, to presume or venture; dare: I made bold to offer my suggestion.
I am bold. In a subtle way at least. I have my opinions. But I tend to go off the "choose your battles" rule. I think differently, but accept others opinions, at least if they aren't ignorant as to what they are saying. I believe if one has an opinion, they should have reasons as to why, otherwise their opinion isn't authentic, and authentic opinions are the only respectable ones.
However, I would not consider scientific "facts" a good way to back up ones point. Not with some topics at least. Homosexuality and global warming are two that come to mind. Now, I'm not here to personally offend people, or to get into any form of an argument. I am a peace maker, which is why I tend to keep my bold thoughts to myself, and ones I know that won't judge me. I don't know where I'm going with this. I tell you that I have bold opinions, but then don't express them. So I guess you don't really know how bold I am or can be. Maybe I'm not bold at all, I could be a poser, and not really acknowledge it because it isn't often I take my boldness for a test run.
One thing that does hold me back from my boldness is that sometimes it can be classified as being rude. I don't like rude people. There's a line between telling how it is, and just trying to be rude, or hurtful. Girls know all about using words to be hurtful, and just about all are victims of it. But I can go into that another time.
I guess what I am really trying to say is that I would like to share my bold opinions, but in fear of being judged they are restrained. On the other hand, most of those reading this don't know whose blog this is, so I don't have much to lose. But it is high school and things go around, so I'm going to play it safe as of right now. Maybe after I establish myself as likable my true thoughts will be revealed.
Now this makes me sound like I can be a back-stabber, or two faced, or that I talk about people behind their back. But those kind of people are the exact reason that I tend to keep things to myself. A comment I make may be translated differently and get to someone, starting a fit and throwing people in to drama. I am not a fan of drama, I try to avoid it. I don't watch any of the MTV "reality" shows, like most people do. I don't find it interesting to sit in front of the TV and hear two girls talk about the girl who just left the room. Or to see a girl hook up with her best friends sweet heart. I fail to see the entertainment in that. But most of my cherished friends get into those shows, and I don't judge them, or anyone for the matter. Personal likes are personal likes and if they don't conflict with one another then all is well.
Now I know people who have bold personalities, and they tend to conflict with most, or even be intimidating perhaps. I don't think I'm like that, I try to be sensitive, but I guess we can't be always nice all the time. I welcome that. We all have off days, and life isn't always kind, and I try to be aware of those factors when I do feel its necessary to share my opinion. There are different environments that bold personalities are appropriate, and some that aren't. And I believe most can distinguish which is which, and if not, that would be a helpful trait to obtain.

i participate in the practices of criminals

I love dogs. They're an instant source of comfort. They love you unconditionally and are completely selfless. They're always there for you, they're whole word revolves around you, they are one of the most lovable things on this earth.

There's nothing better then laying on the floor and being greeted by a cold nose and droopy eyes in your face. Having their wet tongue lick your cheek as you look up at them. When they lay down next to you and rest their head on your shoulder. Their soft and warm fur up against your body. Their sweet puppy dog eyes looking at you and then away, as if they're afraid that they had just upset you.

These sweet puppy dog eyes are a weakness of mine. I cannot fight it, no matter how hard I try. Putting them to bed is the most difficult. My dog gets put away in a little room between the house and the garage at night. He has his big pillow of a dog bed, food and water in there, so it's a cozy little set up, however it does isolate him from everyone else. My dog is a curious one, he's always in the middle of everything- rarely does he go off by himself. It's as if he's afraid he'll miss something by being away from the action. And he knows being put to bed does exactly that. Each night, as I open the door and gesture to go in his little room, he just stands there. Looking at me. With the big puppy dog eyes. Head slightly cocked to the side. Him and I both knowing he really doesn't want to be put to bed. He makes me feel as if I'm banishing him away from the rest of us, like I'm trying to be rid of him, even though he gets let out immediately the following morning. He just stands there, looking at me. I heighten my tone to call him in, "come on boy! come here!" as if what I'm attempting, is exciting, like he'll enjoy it. He trusts me and quickly he comes up and sits, right at my feet, tail wagging with enthusiasm, looking up at me. Sincerely he believes that he's in for a treat. I can't do it, I can't trick this innocent mind into thinking we're really going to play, but I have to. Disregarding the fact that I had just done the act of a criminal and used his utter trust towards me against him. He doesn't even know it yet. Keeping the door open, I run into the room, and as anticipated, he follows. Of course he follows, he respects me, his reliance on my integrity is abundant. Shortly after, I turn around and the door shuts, catching a glimpse of his dejected and disenchanted eyes, just a moment before.
I know it's only part of routine. He has to be put to bed every night. He knows that. So why does he put up the struggle each night? Eventually he will catch on, and acknowledge the fact that I really am doing the dirty deed of putting him away. Away in his little room where no one else will be, where he'll be alone. For the entire night. But he's a dog. Why should I feel the self guilt of doing what I, as his owner is supposed to do? Why is it so difficult for me to be disciplined in keeping him disciplined? It surely isn't animal abuse. He has a nice set up if you ask me. He should love the fact of having his own space. His own territory that won't be disrupted by anyone else.
Making my way to my bed, I say these things to make me feel better about myself. He'll love me in the morning, he always does. Dogs don't hold grudges. But yet, his sad puppy dog eyes are a vision, burned into my skull that I can't seem to shake from my conscience. I love him, I really do. Can he comprehend the fact that I do care for him, even though I shut him away in the evening? It's not like I'm having a party, and blatantly not inviting him. I'm going to bed as well. We are both going to bed, just in different spaces.

Lying in bed, it dawned on me that the longer I dwell on the fact that I had tricked my dog into going to bed, the more I question as to why exactly is he put away in his own room anyway? Why do people do that with their dogs. Is it because they are dogs that one decides they need to have them sleep, pinned up? I know people who put their dogs in kennels at night. But why?
I then realize that I am being ridiculous. My dog doesn't take the fact that I have tricked him into consideration. He still loves me, and he always will. He doesn't take it offensively, and certainly doesn't interpret my acts as being criminal. It's simply a small duty that I have, and he respects that. Soon enough the morning will come and he will see me again and realize that he wasn't banned to such an awful place, but just a temporary living quarters during the evening. He'll still love me in the morning. And with that final thought, I drift to sleep.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Music, something that just about everyone is familiar with. Now I'm not going to bore you with the typical there are many types of music, rap, rock, country, jazz... we already know all about that. And if you don't, I suggest you find another blog because this is for the more advanced listeners of music.

It's not my life by any means, but it certainly is a love, and not just music in general is the love, no, it's the love for all sorts of rock. From artists like underoath to oasis. Yes, it's a wide range of music, but it certainly is nothing close to country, R&B or "gangster". Sure, there is that rap song that everyone knows, that they play at ball games and dances, but that's not typically the type of music I take an interest into.

Lyrics, that's what I tend to pay attention to. Songs are good because of the lyrics, the message that the artist is trying to get across. That's what I believe makes truly great music artists, the fact that they themselves are literate and have deep thoughts and passionate feelings that they can translate into their songs. Now, don't get me wrong, I know there are plenty of rock songs talking about nothing more than getting drunk and laid, which is just what our society is just drawn to. But let me take an example of a song that people think is just about sex, and turn it around to show you what the artist is really getting at.

I know most know the song "addicted" by Saving Abel. Yeah, I know the perverted parts seems to be what everyone picks out of the song, but do you know what the song is really trying to say? Consider this line " theres just got to be more to you and me." Could it be possible that Saving Abel is trying to say they want more out of the relationship then just sex? I think it is. I know, the lyrics to this song are simple and repetitive, so I wouldn't classify it as a deep meaningful form of music, but it surfaces the whole concept of something with meaning.

When I say that I like a song, it's normally a song that the lyrics I can comply by. I seem to find a song that explains exactly my situation when I'm going through any sort of bump in the road, or if I'm just unbelievably happy or smitten. I even have pick-me-up songs that I listen to, to give me a shot of encouragment. "The middle" by Jimmy Eat World is one of them.