Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sucker For Sinatra

I seriously crush so easily. Little quirks, a sweet smile, pretty eyes, I become infatuated. I like to think it is because I find the best in everyone, or perhaps I just have raging hormones, but I fall easily. However, despite how many individuals I am attracted to, I seldom pursue, and I prefer it that way. Crushes are perfect, you get to admire from afar, sometimes even interact, but there is no pressure, there is no expectations, no disappointments. You get to allow yourself to be smitten without the assumptions of how "things should go". Ideally, the other party is clueless of your crush and you simply get to marvel at their existence. Sometimes there is a sliver of sexual tension but it stops at just that.

What is the point of taking things further? If you have pleasant feelings towards someone, why would you want to change that by attempting "something more"?

Some argue it is a shot a happiness, but frankly, you already seem to be happy, no? How different would things be if no one committed fully to anyone, and we all just had our secret crushes that we would flirt with and be content with that and nothing else? Clearly some individuals are more ambitious than others and because of that I do not find they would be content. Honestly, there are some instances that I find ambition is confused with selfishness, but that is for another post.

It could not be more obvious that only someone who is not in love nor seriously dating would write a post such as this. But I am satisfied. I have my fun flirting, I do my occasional day dreaming, and it comes to a resounding halt after that. I can appreciate a beautiful person without any guilt that I am "cheating" on my partner. (The reason for having the term cheating in quotes is due to the idea that many have different interpretations of just what it is.) I have no shame in admiring a nice body, or acknowledging ones intelligence, or appreciating ones sense of humor. The idea of embarrassment or screwing up disintegrates because honestly I am not concerned with how they feel about me, only how I feel when I am around them or think about them.

Yes, this may come off as selfish. Perhaps it is nothing more than that. Yet, as I mentioned before, I enjoy it, and to be frank, is flirting not one of the greatest forms of flattery? I get a high off complimenting someone with a smile and they get the ego boost.

What I find wonderfully unique about a crush is there is a great chance that no interaction has to occur in order for a crush to take place. I can see an individual in public, be attracted to their attire, notice their politeness, and then all of a sudden, I find myself charmed by this complete stranger I know nothing of. Or minimal action can occur and it can still seem just as wonderful. Have you ever had an attractive barista whom you had an intelligent 90 second conversation with? A waitress who made you laugh and happened to be witty? A professors whose perspective on life and intelligence you were simply intoxicated by?

Of course these are all situations in which you would not pursue the other individual. That is what makes the interaction so great. You know you don't have to see them again, and maybe they were just good at their job, but it worked! You obtained a chipper attitude from that short interaction, They may have actually even enjoyed your company as well. In a sense, you know it would "never happen" so you take advantage of the moment and just roll with it. Carpe diem, some may say, (I may be the only one to use that towards the concept of flirting), but in the word of Hamlet, "To be or not to be" and that is in the sense of whether or not to enjoy your crushes, and be a charmer. If you are clueless on all of this I am sincerely sorry for you and hope you try flirting with a stranger the next time you get a chance. You will find that the stranger you had minimal contact with will indeed make you happier than that person you dated for two years. This is because you know no bad things of the person, they have not made you angry, you have not made mistakes in front of them, there is a chance you only get to experience each other's best side and it is terrific.

I am perfectly aware that "love" happens by appreciating and working through the worst. Yet, I am not interested in the time being of such things. Perfectly capable of crushing, not so much on falling in love. I may be slightly bitter, I am not in denial of that. "Love" has let me down, crushes, however, have not. Please continue with your facebook posts consisting of how this person "completes you" and how you have "no idea where you would be without your other half" I am going to stick to my minimal commitment, no interaction, flirtatious, crushes, and you endure true love forever.

That escalated quickly. Really, I just crush on a lot of people, and it is always in good intentions. My Frank Sinarta playlist is over and my bottle of wine is empty, I would say it is time to call it a night.

This is a somewhat controversial topic, and I love hearing other opinions.