Friday, March 5, 2010

Write what you feel, don't lie

Well college feels as though it is just around the corner and quite honestly, I'm freaking out a bit. It feels as though I have made zero decisions to even help narrow down my path for the future and therefore I feel as though I'm going in circles rather then forward. But I do realize one thing, I want to become a better writer. Not because I necessarily will have that be my profession in the future, but I think being a strong writer could be quite the asset. Which lead to why I am deciding to post something up in my blog, willingly I might add, after nearly a year of neglecting it. I am going to just write and write and write until I actually feel I have achieved something of it. I once had a language arts teacher tell me that the only way to become a writer is to simply just do it. So that’s what I am doing, just doing it.

I really don’t know what I wish to do with my future, but after doing a bit of research, public relations and communication seem interesting. After all, if there is one thing I can do, its talking. Now don’t be fooled I realize there is more to it then that, but you catch my drift, hopefully.

Something I cant seem to wrap my head around is how people my age, even younger, seem to know exactly what they want to do with their life, what they want out of it. I, do not. I once contemplated just going out and exploring the world and then later becoming a teacher, that way I would be the teacher with all the cool stories. So I supposed I always have that option.

How do people decide what they want to do anyway? I wonder if most are driven by the passion they have for something, or the fact that society says they are a loser if they don't get out and have a respectable job title. Seriously, how many do you know that would accept the response of "I just do my own thing" as a desirable job title from someone they were on a blind date with. I suppose there are a handful that do find that attractive, but just like society, I'm only paying attention to the majority.

"When considering subject matter for your poetry, try to confine your main subjects to the following list: Rutabagas, Lemon Curry, Earthquakes, Tetrahedrons, The end of the world, The Donatist controversy, Particle/wave theory of light, Transverse myletis, Rogue elephants. Avoid the following subjects: Emotions, Personal journeys, Nature, Chicken Curry."
^^Is this supposed to be sarcasm??