Saturday, November 8, 2008


I've come to a conclusion. I'm average. There really isn't anything special about me. I get average grades. I'm average height. I'm about as athletic as the average being. I'm a boring person. Now I'm not feeling sorry for myself by any means. It's just a culmination that I have come to. I think it's okay to not be an especially exciting individual. Opposites attract, so it must mean that I'll just spend the rest of my life with someone fascinating. I see it as we all can't be engrossing, otherwise no one would come off as being so. I'm just one of those individuals to balance everything out. And I would much rather be considered average over awful.

I foresee my future as being no different then my average streak. Disreguarding my future fascinating husband of coures. I will go to an average college, probably some where in Iowa, get an average degree in no particular exciting practice, and then officially start my average life with an average job and living in an average apratment. Because I do consider an apartment being the average living space for a young adult. Now I don't know what my average degree will be in, nor do I know what my occupation afterwards. But I can assure, it will be classified as being average.